Category: Accessibility

The Web Project Guide Podcast: Episode 19: Implement the Design (w/ Ethan Marcotte)

Corey and Deane talk about how front-end development has evolved past the early days. Then, Ethan Marcotte, author of Responsive Web Design and Partner at Autogram, joins to discuss front-end development and how the world has impacted how front-end design is treated and approached. We also joke about whether Deane actually “invented” responsive web design. (He didn’t.)

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Podcast Feature: Design By Committee

I was a guest on the Design By Committee podcast with Matt Grocki and Justin Davis, where we talked about editorial accessibility, content modeling for content management systems, and picklebacks.

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A Web Accessibility Primer and The Accessible Editor

Blend has formally documented and standardized our accessibility practice, which has led to two worthwhile content updates: an accessibility primer for clients and those new to the concept, and a talk/workshop that’s about to hit the road.

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