Podcast Feature: Design By Committee

I was lucky enough a few weeks ago to be a featured guest on Design By Committee, a podcast hosted by Matt Grocki and Justin Davis. And I’m here to tell you to listen to it.

Matt is a wonderful person who also happens to be one of my favorite and best friends in the industry. Justin is a person who I had met exactly once before over a round of picklebacks in New Orleans.

(Well, under a round of picklebacks … listen to the podcast and you’ll hear the story.)

For this, we talked a bit about a workshop I’ve been giving over the past year on editorial accessibility — the writing side of accessibility, where plain language and alternative text are handled not by design and development, but by real people who have to make real decisions. We also talked a bit about the brand of content strategy I find myself handling most often: research and content modeling for complex content management system implementations.

Gigantic thanks to Matt and Justin for having me on, and for making an ill-advised promise to have me on again. I had fun. They had fun. We all had fun.

You might too: download Episode 9 of Design By Committee and listen. (Or, just press play below.)