Category: User-Centered Content

The Web Project Guide: Identify Your Audiences | Identify Outcomes and Expectations

Blend likes to begin all of our web projects – especially those that include strategy, design, or technical planning – with our “Audiences and Outcomes” workshop, which is simply an audience and expectation-focused discovery workshop that nails down the who and what of a site. This month’s chapter release focuses on those two directions: your audiences, and your outcomes/expectations.

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Audiences, Outcomes, and Determining User Needs

One of the most important parts of web design and development at Blend Interactive is what we call our Audiences and Outcomes process. The process – which borrows heavily from C. David Gammel’s Online and On Mission – helps determine site audiences and the expected outcomes of those audiences. It’s what drives decision making for […]

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Empowerment, CS style.

We go into stakeholder meetings to foster discovery. To gain information and push the content strategy agenda and pick up things we can use to populate our deliverables. If we’re doing it correctly, we also become counselors. A client discovery meeting isn’t just about asking questions. It’s also about listening. Playing therapist. Rephrasing questions, digging […]

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